This delicious and foamy cocktail will have you howling at the moon. It's a vodka sour variation that has an herbal flavor with a silky mouthfeel. We're always looking to find a recipe for Yellow Chartreuse and the Full Moon Sour is the perfect fit. However, beware...a few of these drinks will cause you to shape-shift into a creature of the night. Here's our recipe:
Full Moon Sour
1.5oz Vodka
3/4oz Yellow Chartreuse
3/4oz Lemon Juice
1/4oz honey simple syrup (1/2 TBS)
1 egg white
Step 1:
Crack open an egg, separating the yolk from white, and pour the egg white into a cocktail shaker. Whenever using egg white, we like to crack the egg into a separate dish to make sure no eggshell gets into the liquid.
Step 2:
Add the 3/4 ounces lemon juice, 3/4 ounces of yellow chartreuse, 1 1/2 ounces of vodka, and 1/4 ounce of honey simple syrup (recipe below).
Step 3:
Seal the shaker and lightly give the cocktail a dry shake before adding ice for roughly 10 seconds.
Step 4:
Add ice and shake again for another 20 seconds.
Step 5:
Strain into a chilled cocktail glass and enjoy!
Honey Simple Syrup:
2 cups honey
1 cup water
Using the 2 to 1 ratio add your water and honey to a pot and bring to a simmer, stirring occasionally for 3-5 minutes. Turn off and allow to cool. Once cool, pour into a food safe jar or bottle and refrigerate.
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